Here are my most outstanding, memorable, take-forever moments from EME5050. Perhaps some of you all can agree:
1. Online courses do not always equate to EASY, and easy is not always what makes us learn.
I was forced into a challenge with this class, and I think it has paid off. I have learned so many new techniques, technologies, and ideas to bring into the better my classroom. And I don't think I would have had to dive in as deep (and learn as much) if the class were easy.
2. Technology is here to stay, and here to evolve.
And it should be. I've learned so many ways to enhance the classroom with it--not to mention make the teacher more efficient and effective. So what's next?
3. Reading other educators' blogs is much more enlivening, enriching, and inspiring than reading text about microprocessors and hypertext transfer protocol.
So let's take this lesson to heart, and to our classrooms.
4. Creative Commons is still confusing.
Every time I use a picture I still feel the potential to be sued :)
5. Working and interacting with all of you was great.
Thank you for helping me learn more than I could have on my own.