
Friday, November 30, 2012

Final Thoughts on Integrating Technology

Hello Readers,
Here are my most outstanding, memorable, take-forever moments from EME5050.  Perhaps some of you all can agree:

1. Online courses do not always equate to EASY, and easy is not always what makes us learn. 
I was forced into a challenge with this class, and I think it has paid off.  I have learned so many new techniques, technologies, and ideas to bring into the better my classroom.  And I don't think I would have had to dive in as deep (and learn as much) if the class were easy.

2. Technology is here to stay, and here to evolve. 
 And it should be.  I've learned so many ways to enhance the classroom with it--not to mention make the teacher more efficient and effective.  So what's next?

3.  Reading other educators' blogs is much more enlivening, enriching, and inspiring than reading text about microprocessors and hypertext transfer protocol. 
 So let's take this lesson to heart, and to our classrooms.

4.  Creative Commons is still confusing.
Every time I use a picture I still feel the potential to be sued :) 

5.  Working and interacting with all of you was great. 
Thank you for helping me learn more than I could have on my own.   


  1. Hi Megan,

    I can certainly agree with you on all of the above. I especially agree with #1, "Easy is not always what makes us learn." I have taken many classes that were easy, and hardly retained any information after the class was over. At the beginning of this class I felt really overwhelmed with all of the assignments and could tell that this was definitely NOT going to be an easy class! Although it was challenging at times, I think it's because of that that I feel confident I'll remember the lessons learned here for years to come. Thank you for sharing and good luck to you!

    Kim H.

  2. What is it that they always say, "Hard work pays off." ? Well, I believe it. I would say that the class itself wasn't hard, but it definitely was time-consuming and took great effort to really gain significant information to enable us to be better teachers. But what is true learning? Investigation... discovery... reflection... and I must say, we did a lot of that. :)

    I agree completely with all your take-aways from the course: online courses are not easy, but we must work if we are going to learn; technology is definitely here to stay, and will continue to change and grow, and we will continue to change and grow with it; reading other educators' blogs is definitely more enjoyable than those articles and chapters that just simple hurt my brain. :); your comment about Creative Commons and a possible lawsuit made me laugh out loud.

    It's been great working with you although we did not meet face-to-face. I wish you great successes and hopefully we will work together again soon.

  3. I really liked your post. It was short, sweet, and got to the point!! I completely agree that reading posts on people blogs for information and opinoins is much more amusing then going through a textbook; it is not as eye appealing either. [Creative Commons} <---- me too. I stopped putting pictures in my blogs because I never know if I am "able" to use it or if I am stealing it. Technology does make teachers more effective and efficient. I recently shared ClassDojo which is a behavioral management application. It is much more time efficient for a teacher to have their iPad and click in a matter of seconds how the student is doing rather than finding a pencil and writing it down, or going over somewhere and moving a clip down/up. Times have been changing, it is time for us to get "with it"

  4. I agree with you about the whole creative commons issue. I don't want to be sued by a random (or company) for using a picture. If I need to use an image, I either take one myself, or over cite and document where I found it. I know that after this course I should have more of an understanding...but I don't. It was an easy concept...but like you said, easy doesn't mean learning. Case in point.

    Best of luck.

  5. Meghan, I love your number 4!! I am in the same boat with you in regards to Creative Commons and I feel compelled to just take and use all my own pictures! I also agree with your number 1. I think most people assume since it is an online class that it will be easy, but this was a very intensive class, filled with so many great resources.

    Best of luck with everything,
    ~Megan B
